Why is socio-emotional learning gaining importance by Harshad Valia School

 Why is Social and emotional learning critical for children?

A wholesome adult is made not just by learning from textbooks, but also when they learn important social and emotional lessons in childhood. These lessons are responsible to enhance various vital life skills like decision-making, the ability to work in teams, etc. Social and emotional learning lays a foundation to raise mature adults making them ready for a bright future.

Why social and emotional learning is important?

– Students who engage in social-emotional lessons become more engaged with their schoolwork.
– They believe that learning can be enjoyable, hence they embrace learning lifelong.
– These children become better social citizens, benefiting their local communities.
– They engage in positive social behaviour.
– They possess a strong knowledge base and social etiquette to succeed on a global platform.

Types of social and emotional learning:

Self-awareness: This describes the ability of students to recognise the impact of their emotions and their thoughts on how they behave. It also refers to the ability of the child to understand his/her own strengths and weaknesses. This not only helps you nurture your strengths but also build on your weaknesses to become better human beings.

Self-management: This type refers to the ability of a child to regulate his/her own stress and emotions, as well as manage their own impulses effectively. This enables them to be self-sustained and independent.

Social awareness: The ability of a child to feel and display empathy for people from different backgrounds. This is a condition exact opposite of a child who is ignorant of his surroundings.

Relationship-building skills: Here the child should not only be able to build and nurture positive relations but also maintain long-lasting relationships. The child also displays skills of talking and building connections with people from different backgrounds and walks of life.

Responsible decision-making: A child should be able to make fruitful decisions about his/her behaviour. Critically reviewing their own well-being as well as that of others, and displaying gratitude towards pre-set social norms are said to be responsible citizens of society. Additionally, accepting the various consequences and outcomes that might arise as a result of their unacceptable actions, shows a child’s positive outlook toward improvement in life.

Summing up:

Through our robust learning methodologies, students at Harshad Valia International School learn to explore themself with positive interactions and also master how to deliver projects in teams. This is mainly achieved by deliberately introducing activities that boost curiosity in children from childhood. Therefore, our students pass out well prepared to enter the world, with big dreams and become versatile and victorious adults.