

There are various clubs in which the students are divided into groups according to their interests. These clubs function under the teachers of expertise in the respective fields. The school undertakes all the club related activities on Saturdays.

Science Club

The main objective of the science club is to promote inquisitiveness among the school students and inculcate scientific temper among them. This helps to trigger students’ interest in Science. Also, it helps to encourage, motivate, and equip the students in applications of Science and its interface with society.

Environment Club

The purpose of the environment club is to create awareness about environmental issues. Students are encouraged find and implement solutions such as protection, conservation, preservation, and restoration, etc. All the activities are carried out with an emphasis on educating and empowering students.

Heritage Club

The main objective of this club is to make the students familiar with ancient & medieval monuments of India. The students can understand various styles of architecture by preparing replicas of historical monuments. It is also fun time for the students as they are excited to discuss and design the historical models.

Music & Dance Club

This club helps to ignite and sustain the creative spark in the students. The universal language of music and dance forms helps students from across communities to bond and provides the perfect nutriment to the mind, body and soul.

Dramatics Club

Drama is a collaborative form of fine art that gives the experience of a real or imagined event. The students in the drama club communicate this experience to the audience through a combination of gestures, speech, song, music, and dance. Elements of art, such as painted scenery and stagecraft such as lighting are used to enhance the physicality, presence and immediacy of the experience.

Sports Club

Sports club plays a vital role that can change a student’s life incredibly forever. Today student’s involvement in Sports on school is something that seems inevitable for highly potential benefits. Sports, in fact, include all types of competitive physical activities. Students are exposed to games through casual or organized participation that utilizes, maintain, or enhance physical abilities and skills while providing enjoyment to the participants.

Art & Craft Club

In this club children have the opportunity to use a variety of materials to create 3D and 2D pieces of artwork from painting to collage, sketching, etc. All the artistic students are trained to apply creative skills which turns out to be a very interactive and enjoyable experience.