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Efficient ways to celebrate your child’s success

We discussed last why celebrating a child’s success is important, now it’s time to understand how to celebrate their achievements.

To begin with, the most important thing is to let your child know that they have been doing successful things. You can do this by telling them how proud you are of their achievements and what makes them unique from other children.

Let’s look at some easy and efficient ways to celebrate a child’s success:

1. Reward them: When your child achieves a milestone, reward them right away. Make sure you express how proud they have made you and be a part of their happiness celebration by giving them a reward. It could be as simple as giving them their favourite chocolate or taking them to their favourite park.
2. Treat them to an excellent homemade meal: Nothing’s yummier than a favourite dinner or lunch made by mum and dad with extreme love. It’s a great way to show your child that you’re genuinely happy about the efforts they put into a task.
3. Post about it on social media: Share your child’s success with the world. Social media is a great way to show off your kid and get recognition for their hard work. The responses will thrill them and they will want such attention often and hence do more such successful tasks.
4. Share it with your neighbours: Share your child’s success with people in your local community or other parents from school. Talk to mothers and fathers about how proud you are of them, but don’t make the other parents uncomfortable. Nothing beats a compliment while you and your child walk into your residential area.

Difference Between Celebration vs Bragging:

The biggest mistake a parent does these days is they brag about their child’s success instead of celebrating. Let’s answer the question, Why should you celebrate and not brag about your child’s success? When you celebrate, you talk about their achievements. But when you brag, you usually make it look like you’re the reason why they made it.

The following points can figure out celebration vs bragging.

1.  Find ways to talk about the experience and not just what they did. If your child is a sports player, don’t only celebrate when they score well or win. On the other hand, also talk about how they got in control of their game or got stronger at defence, etc.
2. Make it a point to teach your child to be humble along with all the success they bag. Not only children but parents also demonstrate superior treatment for their child’s achievements which is not a good trait. A humble successful man is full of worth compared to just a successful man.
3. We advise you to not talk about how you as a parent were a part of their success. Everyone knows that your support was there and will always be. If you try to take away all the credit, it will make your child’s efforts look worthless.
4. Do not dominate or interrupt when other parents talk about their child’s success. Even if your child has scored higher than theirs, let them complete their story. If you dominate, your child will feel not only awkward but also overconfident.
5. If you were a table tennis champion back in time and now your child has made a similar achievement, do not compare their performance with yours. We do not want to sound like your child’s success wasn’t through effort but because of genes.
6. There are some children who like to keep a low profile even after a major achievement, respect it. Do not challenge it and throw big party celebrations. There is no point in it if you pressure them to join a celebration they are not game for.

Lastly, Never compare your child to their sibling. Neither of them will feel happy about it. This especially happens in the academic race where one sibling overshines the other and gets all the laurels. You have to not only appreciate victory’s but also efforts put into a task that finally failed.

Final Thoughts:

We at Harshad Valia International School believe that a child is the future of our society, and their every accomplishment is essential and will help shape the course of their future life. The more we can encourage them to be their best, the better off they will be and everyone around them. That’s why it matters when you make a point to celebrate your child’s success – especially if it’s small.