Workshops For


School organizes regular workshops for the staff and students with respect to a wide variety of themes. From the mock fire alarm escape practice to good touch and bad touch, each workshop has benefitted all the participants and helped them to have a better and easier life.

Latest: Since the beginning of the Corona lockdown in March 2020, there are regular workshops organised on the online platforms. Apart from this, there are weekly talks on every Friday for the students called as “Bacchon se charcha”. The School has connected with the Rotary Interact Club of Mumbai (Juhu), which gives the secondary section students, extra opportunities for leadership and interaction.

The series of  parenting workshops were conducted to un-learn what all things they had already learnt as parents. It was explained why it is not a very good idea to be nagging behind children, comparing them with others, or forcing them to study all the time.

Topics as follows:

1) Theatre for personal growth and mental health
2) Unparenting-How to become a better parent
3) Parenting a Teenager
4) Eye Care
5) Identifying and regulating emotions in Children