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Effective ways to help your kid do homework daily

Nowadays, parents often believe that it is their responsibility to ensure that their children succeed in academics. Naturally, as a parent, this duty is vital. As soon as they are born you start building concern about your children’s future.

The first challenge you need to overcome is to help them to do their homework effectively and daily. After the last school bell has rung for the day, students rarely look forward to doing homework daily. On the other hand, is an inevitable component of being a young student – and one that has a bearing on future academic success. As a result, it’s critical to figure out how to get youngsters to finish their homework without causing a bedtime argument.

Why is homework important?

Effectively managing school homework is vital because it helps young children build basic abilities that will benefit them throughout their school and work journey. Essential life skills like discipline, time management, resource management, and communication boost grades. These not only assist youngsters in achieving career success but also be well groomed for future challenges. Regular assignment completion should be viewed as an investment into the future of the child.

The benefits of homework, however, are not solely academic. They also give children the opportunity to cultivate their important skill sets like being independent and also character building.

Did you know, a recent study proves that reading aloud with parents was found to significantly improve self-regulation skills such as persistence and memory.

Some Easy Ways to Help Your Child in doing Homework Daily

1. Form a schedule:

It is not only critical but also essential for you to set a predefined schedule for homework. It is quicker and easier to make your child sit down and tick off school tasks or assignments if you have created a timetable that he or she can follow. We recommend, making homework and evening routine practice by dedicating a specific time and creating a specific study place with minimal distractions.

2. Give an after-school break:

It is not a good idea to make your kids finish their school homework as soon as they get home from a hectic school day. You must allow him or her to rejuvenate with some time off books and studies after they are back from school. Note: If they are relaxed and energetic, they will be able to give their 100% to studies with higher concentration and motivation.

3. Go online for innovative learning:

Have you tried to ask your child about his favourite subject or topics? You will notice that he concentrates more on those home assignments given from school. To avoid a one track education mind you must try and make the boring subjects for your kid interesting. Some topics can be well understood with diagrams and some through watching videos. Try and fetch for such topics which can be made for fun learning and see how your child starts liking a hated subject. For Example: If your child likes Math and dislikes science, you can move for online video help where science can be made interesting.

4. Give them some motivation:

When your child has finished his or her schoolwork, show your support and appreciation for his or her efforts. A simple high five or a few words of encouragement like: “Well Done!”, “Good To Go” might help your little one become more motivated. You can also raise the bar if your child has completed a long challenging assignment like treating him chocolates or a trip to his favourite play area.

5. Discuss the benefits:

Rather than being agitated, you should choose to remain calm and have a conversation with your child about the importance of school homework. Fighting with your child will do more harm than good and in turn will raise their frustration levels. This added fuel to their anger and make it more difficult to concentrate. Calmly state your expectations and then, as a show of good faith, do your own homework or household chores.

6. Talk to them about school:

Asking questions about school work engages your child and encourages him or her to think more deeply about the subject matter. Have discussions regularly during dinner or after school, or as you are helping with homework.

Summing up:

These skills are here for a long, and hence all the efforts towards building them are so worth it. Harshad Valia International School encourages parents to have a regular homework schedule that would create consistency in completing homework assignments on a daily basis. After a few weeks of following this preset schedule, you will be pleasantly surprised to see your kid is doing their homework daily without being told. Though you must still keep an eye on their progress and monitor them. You may also want to go through some additional tips on how to focus better in school.