Advantages of CBSE over other State Boards

Science: A Subject That Develops a Way of Thinking

It is rightly said that the human brain gets more trained in the early stages of life when a human as kids gets introduced to new things in the surroundings. The level of curiosity of knowing and understanding all that happens around is found more in kids than adults. As everything that happens in the surrounding happens with a reason and for a reason and making the kids understand why it happens so is a difficult job that most of the parents face when their kids come up with questions like “Why there is no alphabet after Z?” or maybe “Why only February has 28 days out of all 12 months?”.
Most of the time parents usually google partial information and pass it on to the kids to satisfy their curiosity. But ideally giving partial information or no information would never help them to learn about the entire procedure of the thing that is happening.
That’s when Science as a subject can help them to know what exactly is the procedure because of which there are 28 days in the month of February and so.
Getting kids introduced to science in their earlier stage of learning not only molds their brain into scientific thinking but they also start finding logical reasoning for all the things that they see around thereafter.

Following are some of the many advantages of including science in the curriculum of children from their very early learning age.

1. Science Enhances Critical Thinking:
When it comes to scientific concepts, they are first proposed theoretical, experimented practically and the reports are generated using the analysis of the experiment conducted. With such an experiment children are not only directed to logical thinking but also try to establish the connection between theoretical and practical functionalities. This helps to develop critical thinking of how things will work.

2. It Cultivates a Passion For Learning:
For most of the questions that kids tend to ask, science has an answer to it. The excitement of uncovering the concepts of how things happen is not only interesting but also captivating. This tends to get involved in many such experimental activities. A hands-on approach also appeals to many. The possibility of demonstrating scientific concepts first-hand builds an appetite for learning.

3. Science Uplifts Many Disciplines:
To understand the concepts of science we also need to have an understanding of various other areas of education like, mathematical concepts which are important to understand and analyze qualitative and quantitative concepts.
The scientific method is based on technical skills, such as the careful observation of the world around us and the ability to conduct highly controlled experiments.
The presentation of results in science reporting teaches the values of objectivity and thoroughness.

4. Science Holds The Key To The Future:
Most of the technologies that are developed these days are all developed with help of mathematical and science concepts. There are hardly any facets of life that don’t deal with science. Starting right from the farm in terms of agriculture to medicine every field includes the concepts of science. The new generation that comes in needs to have a strong base of these concepts to understand how these technologies actually work as it’s not just about using the technologies but knowing how it is developed. Having a strong base of science promises that the kids today in the future won’t be left out tomorrow as it makes the learner self-sufficient in the constant changes of technologies in the environment.

5. Numerous Career Opportunities:
Since science provides students with knowledge of various sectors and fields. Through its enhancement of math-based skills and reasoning logic, students will have massive opportunities to choose from in the field of science as well as outside it. This includes fields like Information technology, medicine, engineering and many more.

Mahek Khan, a Science teacher at Shri. Harshad C. Valia International School believes, Science is continuously on an upward, expansionary trend. The economy may or may not take a hit in the future, but you can never say the same about science. It consistently takes leaping steps and rarely back. With scientific solutions and innovations surfacing at an accelerating rate, science never loses its daily relevance. That is why at we prioritize learning Science with not just an academic point of view but also to help our students excess in the future. You may also want to read the Importance of mathematics for progression.