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Symptoms of Teenage Depression and its way out

It is not only critical to know what is teenage depression and its causes but also important to identify the symptoms and find a way out.

How can you identify depression in a teenager: Symptoms of teenage depression

Teenagers with depression suffer from:

– Sadness and hopelessness
– Frequent crying
– Irritability, Anger
– Hostility, agitation
– Withdrawal from friends and family
– Added efforts to run away from home
– Sudden changes in eating habits and sleep

Teenagers with depression and anxiety may face:

– Restlessness;
– Loss of interest in enjoyable activities
– Feelings of guilt, feelings of worthlessness
– The fatigue, lack of energy, difficulty concentrating, persistent boredom
– Thoughts of death, thoughts of suicide
– Self-injury, self-abuse, self-destructive behavior; Frequent fear
– Poor communication, difficulty in maintaining relationships;
– Criticizing others
– Poor self-esteem,
– Frequent absence from school;
– Poor performance at school
– Consumption of alcohol and drugs
– Poor Concentration

How to efficiently manage Teenage Depression?

Given below are the solutions that can help you in knowing the answer of how to help teenage depression:

1. Encourage social interaction:
One of the best ways to overcome depression is by encouraging social interactions with people. This could be with close family members who support you or even a few close friends who understand you. As a parent or a friend of a victim, you can make them feel connected with others. Encourage them to participate in those activities that provide them with an opportunity to connect with other kids.

2. Talking to them:
When someone talks to you when you are upset, you automatically lighten your mood up by spilling it all out. You will naturally feel lighter and additionally have a clearer mindset to introspect. So, you must try talking to your teen at least once a day without any distractions. Talking to them makes them feel heard and will also eventually confide in you for critical advice.

3. Enrol them in extracurricular activities:
Get your teen involved in extracurricular activities like any sports activity, dance activity, and many more. This not only makes them feel busy but accomplishments in the same will boost confidence and social acceptance. Also, this will help gain their enthusiasm and vibe back.

Some additional short-quick-tips:

Healthy environment: Provide them with a healthy and supportive home environment.
A nutritious and balanced meal: Provide them with a nutritious and balanced meal and be ensured that your teen is getting a proper amount of food that makes them healthy.
Encourage regular exercise: How to help teenage depression is by encouraging them to do regular exercise.
Grab on enough sleep: Make sure that your teen is getting much-needed sleep.
Seek medical advice: they know better than you do.

Food for thought:

If your teen is suffering from depression, the best thing you can give them is support and love.

Not paying too much attention to your teen’s depressive behaviour can open lead to several functional and physical challenges. Therefore, it is important to take teenage depression seriously because if it is left untreated.